Friday, April 17, 2009

The Start

Well. Our week at the beach has come to a close. We didn't catch any fish but we had a great time. We went around on the boat and me an my friends dug a ten foot hole and, trust me, I'm not joking. By the way, if you like the Steelers, I love 'em too. And if you like the North Carolina Tarheels, you rock, too. I haven't gotten any pictures in yet, but trust me, I will soon. Peace out, homedogs.


  1. Cool. I'm adding this to foxnews, celebritybabies and perezhilton. You're my boy!

  2. What did you ad? I might want to add it to my facebook.

  3. I love the Tarheels! What a team and what a season! This will be one for the ages. I'm going to get that newspaper framed for you. What a great memory! I think I ought to get a Tarheel Tattoo. What do you think?
